Friday, March 4, 2011

Teaching Christ to our wives.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how we demonstrate Christ to our wives.

My thoughts came out of my own mistake last night. I don't think Kristen even saw it as a mistake but I was truly convicted. Probably partially because I have been called out by others throughout my life as being a person who gets ingrained and focused on work, my computer, tv, a book, or my phone. Kristen got home after me yesterday and I was working on the Carolina 365 video which I am very excited about. I was in the office, she came upstairs, changed clothes, went back down stairs and was ready to go the Thirdcamp and I never looked up. When I realized what I had done I got my stuff together ran downstairs and embraced her and kissed her and told her I loved her.

Was my original reaction the reaction that Christ will have when his bride returns home???

Let me put this in order of my current thoughts.

Ephesians 5:25 says we are to love our wives just as Christ loved the church and give himself up for her.
We very often use this verse to explain how our interactions with our spouces are to be teaching others about Christ and his love for us. But what we miss in that application to each other is that our interactions with our wives is also teaching OUR WIVES about Christ love for them.

In Luke 15:20 we see the parable of the lost son(s). When the son returns home we see the father run to his son and embrace him, give him a ring, a robe, some sandals, , kill the fatted calf and they celebrated. But yesterday I did not act this way towards Kristen.

Men, love your wives and Christ loves the church. I challenge you all, when your wife gets home/comes in a room; look up at her, look her in the face, kiss her, tell her the place she holds in your heart. I believe when we do this for them their love for us will grow out of a response of their loved heart.

We are not only teaching others about Christ by our interactions with our wives we are also teaching ourselves and our wives the gospel with our daily interactions.

Be more like Christ.

Take heart, he has overcome the world.

1 comment:

Ronald Perez said...

Great post bud. I wanted to add to the post: that we should make those connections not just when she walks in to the home, but when she's leaving the house! It's so important to recognize each other and say a proper hello and good-bye to consistently show love and desire to see her/be with her/you will miss her and notice she's gone. So much so, I won't ever leave without a kiss and an "I love you". Thanks for the encouragement!